Anybody out there want to win some sweet Mend Mark gear? Well, you came to the right place!
Here's what you do:
2) Post on our wall the best Christmas present you've ever given or gotten.
3) Invite your friends to become fans of Mend Mark (Okay, so this isn't really a requirement of the contest but it wouldn't hurt if you did. *hint, hint*)
Our panel will judge your posts and decide on a winner that will be announced the morning of Thursday, December 23rd. If it's you, we'll be in contact via facebook message to get your address and shirt size. Once we have that we'll ship your glorious (and highly coveted) prize out.
Check out what you could win!

Side note: forcing spiritual innuendoes to appear holy isn't going to help you with this one. ;) But, being real, honest, and funny will. Good luck.
Let the games begin!
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