Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Winna Winna; Chicken Dinna

Saturday, December 11, 2010
Advent Conspiracy
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Thanks Giving
So, I usually get a little emotional around Thanksgiving… I can't help it. There's just something about this time of year that makes me take a step back and really notice all the blessings in my life. This year is no different. Actually, it's probably a little worse than normal. I recently started to reflect on how this thing all started and how far it has evolved in such a short time. It amazes me what God has done in my life and the lives of others through a simple little bracelet. And with that epiphany, I wanted to give credit where credit is due. Below is a list of some people that have been instrumental in the success of this thing:
God – for inspiring the idea… and pretty much everything else… ever.
Jesus – for the ultimate example of love and sacrifice
My Wife Morgan – for believing in me and encouraging me to zealously pursue my dreams… and for having the patience to deal with me throughout the long, time consuming process
My Son Lanier – for motivating me to do something bigger than myself
My Mom – for convincing me at a young age that I could change the world
My Family – for always standing behind me
Stewart – for giving me a starting point
Len – for turning an idea into a reality
Joe & Jenica – for the pull and the pop
Greg – for giving me a passion for creativity and an appreciation for quality
Lil' John – for wearing the mark everyday, even though it probably cuts off your circulation.
Jared & Miriam – for working your fingers to the bone
Jonathan, Lauren, Michael & Kayla – for rounding out the assembly line
Aaron – for making it a fashion statement
Michael – for putting words into *motion
Brian – for being more excited about the idea than me
ODM Family – for sparking the flame
Joe – for telling everybody you meet
Lee – for wearing it in front of millions of people
Dave – for reading my mind
Audra – for being a wordsmith
Bill & Cindy – for making me feel important
Steve – for seeing the potential
Neil & Sue – for taking it global
The Staff of Select Bank – for putting up with me
LWI – for saving lives
I am so thankful for you guys and I hope you realize… that I realize… that I couldn't have done it without you.
And a big phat THANK YOU goes out to everybody else that has supported the mend mark project and has inspiringly used it to spread the message of Christ's love. I am sincerely humbled by your support.
Happy Thanksgiving
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Recent Testimonials
Below are some recent testimonials on how the mend mark is working in people's lives... Do any of them relate to your experience?
I am absolutely blown away by how God is using the mend mark to spread the gospel and change the hearts of those who I get to talk to about it. Truly, I am at a loss for words. It is such a blessing.
- Reagan
My wife bought me a mend mark back in May and I haven't taken it off since. I can't even count the number of people I have been able to tell the story too. It's more than just a bracelet... it's a full-blown ministry.
- George
I was recently given a mend mark bracelet by my sister and brother-in-law. I look at it throughout the day, and it is amazing what thoughts cross my mind. It is a true reminder of who we serve and why we do! Bravo!
- Shonya
I put the bracelet on and had a very powerful emotional reaction. I mean, I was wearing something that reminds me of the nails in Jesus' hands and feet. I could barely look at it because it was such a powerful reminder.
- Mimi
I get asked about it all the time. It seems to happen out of the blue... I could be at a restaurant or with my family and friends. It's almost as if I'm forced to explain the message and meaning! It helps to remind me to stay focused on what's really important in life, especially when I feel down and out.
- Newton
I purchased a few mend marks a while back and when people would see me wearing one they would ask what it represented. The response I would get when I told them was overwhelming so I would just givethem mine. I recently gave my last one away... so now it's time to stock up again. Thank you for providing an awsome way to remind the world of the love that Jesus has for us!
- Melina
Monday, October 11, 2010
Tell Your Story
One of the things that makes the mend mark unique is the fact that it is distinctively, but generically designed so that it sparks curiosity without completely giving away what it's about. It seems that too many 'religious' products will do all the talking for the person wearing them. But the mend mark usually requires you to tell the story yourself. Your personal love story.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Dare to be Different
I heard a story once where a young husband and wife were cooking dinner. Before the wife put the ham they were planning to eat in the oven, she cut the ends off. The husband was curious and decided to ask why this was, to which the wife responded: "I dunno, my mother always did it this way." They then decided to call the mother to find out her reasoning. She ironically replied: "I dunno, my mom always did it that way." The wife then called her grandmother to find out why she cut the ends off. After a little chuckle, the grandmother replied by saying: "Because that was the only way I could get it to fit in the pan."
Life can be like this sometimes. It's easy to get caught up in the mundane routines and traditions without ever thinking twice about them. BUT... I'm issuing you a challenge to think twice. Reflect on the story above and dare to be different. You may find that you've been missing out on something all along.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Opinions are like butt holes… We all have them, I’m just not into showing mine off
So... after years of debate, I finally decided to start blogging. I know, I know - I'm a little late in the game.
I don't think I’m that interesting
I don't know how to tYp3
Who knows? You may even trigger some fun discussions along the way.